what would be otherwise crime - to requirement.

As i'm a small ISP myself, i should record EVERYTHING my users transmit.

IANA(P)L, but if Poland implements the EU data retention directive
2006/24/EC, its laws should only require ISPs to save connection data,
i.e. who communicated with whom and when (source-ip:port, dest-ip:port,
time stamp), and who got assigned which IP, but not the data itself
(the payload):

i don't know if it implements it, i just know current law that exist today, static that you have to record TRAFFIC.

this is nonsense. but this is LAW.

traffic analysis and mass surveillance in our brave new Orwellized
1984-esque world.

Orwell just missed the date. and only this.

In most EU countries, ISPs are NOT (yet?) required to save the payload
itself; and may even be prohibited to do so under privacy / data
protection statutes without special overriding court order. As an ISP,

All Polish "free mail" services (and i'm sure all world-wide like goolag-mail) records every mail they ever process. not just connection data.

i'm sure about it as i've seen police showing printed someone's mail body from over year ago from @wp.pl

you should *really* check with a specialized lawyer and err on the
side of caution. Laws can be tricky, wherever you operate.

i checked a year ago - i though i did it carefully. but i will recheck.
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