James wrote:
E. J. Cerejo wrote:
Trying to upgrade libopensync022 and I get this error even though libopensync-0.22.tar.bz2 tarball is in /usr/ports/distfiles.

=> libopensync-0.22.tar.bz2?rev=&format=raw doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/. => Attempting to fetch from http://www.opensync.org/attachment/wiki/download/.
fetch: libopensync-0.22.tar.bz2?rev=&format=raw: stat()
=> Attempting to fetch from ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/distfiles/.
fetch: libopensync-0.22.tar.bz2?rev=&format=raw: stat()
=> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this
=> port manually into /usr/ports/distfiles/ and try again.

Why is it trying to fetch libopensync-0.22.tar.bz2?rev=&format=raw ? Instead of libopensync-0.22.tar.bz2? I can't even rename it to that name!
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I downloaded it just fine from the Makefile. It seems to extract itself entirely reasonably, though the name definitely looks peculiar. Visiting their website, it seems to randomly come and go whether I can access the download page. Try cding into the port directory and typing make a few times a few minutes apart.

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I tried that, it still does the same thing. I was able to compile it though. Had to edit the Makefile a little and downloaded it manually.
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