On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 09:30:19PM +0100, ras bsd wrote:

> On 28/02/2008, Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 12:48:37AM +0100, ras bsd wrote:
> >
> >  > Hello list, this is my first post here.
> >  >
> >  > My problem is:
> >  >
> >  > I've installed the OS in my laptop in this order, Win XP and Debian
> >  > GNU/Linux. I'm trying to dive into the freebsd world from many years
> >  > in GNU/Linux. When i start the installation, when i have to enter in
> >  > the disk partition section an error appears saying that the disk
> >  > geometry is not valid and, anyway, I can not see the free disk space
> >  > that i left free after the other OS. My scope is keep working the
> >  > three OS.
> >  > How can i know the correct disk geometry? What am i doing wrong?
> >
> >
> > Well, I don't know why it does not see the free space unless you
> >  are looking in the wrong step.   There is often confusion by new
> >  users who come from the MS world because FreeBSD uses the term 'slice'
> >  and MS uses the term 'primary partition' to refer to the same thing.
> >  Due to ancient conventions in Bios and etc, there can be up to 4 slices
> >  (or primary partitions) on any physical disk.
> >
> >  Lunix has its own notion of extended partition as well.  Don't try
> >  to use that for FreeBSD.
> >
> >  FreeBSD must be installed/built in a free slice (primary partition by
> >  MS vocabulary).   It cannot be put in some extended partition space.
> >
> >  It is possible that you have already used up the 4 slices if the laptop
> >  manufacturer put a diagnostic utility slice on the drive.  That is
> >  normally hidden from MS, but will show up to FreeBSD.  If that is true,
> >  and you have used up the number of slices, then FreeBSD will not allow
> >  you to add any.  You will need to use a tool such as 'gparted'  or
> >  Partition Magic to shuffle things around and maybe squeeze the other
> >  slices and even nuke one.
> >
> >  Then FreeBSD uses the term 'partition' to refer to the subdivisions
> >  of a slice.  MS has some things called extended partitions which are
> >  not the same thing at all.
> >
> >  Anyway, the point where you first need to see the free space is in
> >  the step dealing with the slices which is done with fdisk(8).
> >
> >  As for the disk geometry issue, it normally does not matter.  That
> >  is the BIOS complaining.   You want to just let it go ahead and
> >  build things and try to ignore that error message.   Once it gets
> >  past loading the boot sector from a slice, FreeBSD no longer used
> >  the BIOS.   It handles everything itself.
> >
> >  There are exceptions to this response, but go ahead (once you get the
> >  free space issue figured out) and try it and see if it works.  It
> >  won't hurt anything and if it works, you're home free.  If it doesn't
> >  then you have some more exploring to do.    I am not quite sure what
> >  because although I have frequently seen that message - almost all
> >  the time, I have never had it not work to just go ahead and slice,
> >  partition and build and ignore the message.  That is with both IDE(SATA)
> >  and SCSI(SAS).
> >
> >  So, your real problem is finding that elusive free slice space or
> >  freeing up a slice number to use for it.
> >
> >  Good luck,
> >
> >  ////jerry
> >
> >  > Mi laptop is Intel Core2 Duo and the Hard Disk is SATA 200 Gb Toshiba
> >  > MK2035GSS-(S1).
> >  >
> >  > Thank you.
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> >  > freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
> >  > http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions
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> >
> Thank you very much Jerry.
> It was the problem, I had the free space in a extended partition made
> of ext3fs Linux. The solution was move the space and leave that
> partition totally unalocated. After that everything was ok with the
> installation. I'm on it.
> Thank you.

Hey, I got to get one once in a while.
Glad it is working.   FreeBSD is a good one.


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