On 3/7/08, Stacey Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is anyone aware if this issue is fixed in FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE / STABLE?

It is NOT fixed in -RELEASE and I doubt it is fixed in -STABLE.

> I've been trying to get FreeBSD-7 amd64 installed on an HP dc7700p
> workstation
> at work, but the installation CDs always fail with the error: panic: No BIOS
> smap info from loader.

Yep. The HP BIOS is a bit bogus. It won't reveal memory information to
the AMD64 boot code.

> My case appear exactly as is referenced in the above PR filing, but various
> google searches of other people's experiences revealed this problem still
> happening as of this week - that is, after the release of 7.0.
> Does anyone have any idea as to where this is heading, or if there's a call
> out
> for users to submit more information, or volounteer to test suggested
> workarounds?

I believe the status is "the problem is understood but the solution
will take a lot of time."

I have one of those idiot boxes and FreeBSD i386 boots fine on it, and
runs mostly well, so if that's acceptable to you, that's the
workaround. The only problems I've had with i386 are that the video
card is a bit goofy (I've mostly solved that) and the sound system
acts strange (which I haven't had time to investigate), but other than
that it seems to run fine. But I won't voluntarily have anything to do
with another HP computer if I can avoid it -- this thing didn't even
have correct Windows drivers for some of its hardware.

- Bob
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