Hi Erik,

Remember that any quick rule will apply on it and pf will not search anymore, maybe you should clean up your pf.conf a little bit.
Maybe removing all quick rules you get what you want ;)

block in log on $wlan_if inet from $wlan_net to <local_net>
pass  in log quick on $wlan_if inet proto tcp  from $wlan_net to \
    <local_net> port $local_tcp flags S/SA keep state
pass  in log quick on $wlan_if inet proto udp  from $wlan_net to \
    <local_net> port $local_udp keep state
pass  in log quick on $wlan_if inet proto icmp from $wlan_net to \
    <local_net> icmp-type $local_icmp keep state

# block in log quick on $wlan_if inet from $wlan_net to <local_net>

block out log on $srv_if
pass out quick on $srv_if inet from $srv_ip to $srv_net keep state
pass out quick on $srv_if inet from $srv_ip to !<local_net> \
    keep state
# here you are saying to pf block this connection, no matter all pass rules above
# block out log quick on $srv_if

Tell me if this helps you,


Erik Norgaard wrote:

I have a problem connecting from one local subnet to another crossing an FBSD box with pf. Should be trivial, I have the following ruleset:

# Local services accessible from wlan
block in log on $wlan_if inet from $wlan_net to <local_net>
pass  in log quick on $wlan_if inet proto tcp  from $wlan_net to \
     <local_net> port $local_tcp flags S/SA keep state
pass  in log quick on $wlan_if inet proto udp  from $wlan_net to \
     <local_net> port $local_udp keep state
pass  in log quick on $wlan_if inet proto icmp from $wlan_net to \
     <local_net> icmp-type $local_icmp keep state
block in log quick on $wlan_if inet from $wlan_net to <local_net>

block out log on $srv_if
pass out quick on $srv_if inet from $srv_ip to $srv_net keep state
pass out quick on $srv_if inet from $srv_ip to !<local_net> \
     keep state
block out log quick on $srv_if

<local_net> is a table of the directly attached local networks, I try to connect from my wireless to a wired lan.

But, tcpdump on pflog0 shows this:

000000 rule 54/0(match): pass in on ath0: > [|tcp]
000081 rule 94/0(match): block out on vr0: >  tcp 44 [bad hdr length 0 - too short, < 20]

Evidently, the packet is matched by the correct pass in rule, yet no state is created and it is subsequently blocked by the block out rule.

I can add a pass out rule to get through, but that shouldn't be the correct solution, why does pf not keep state?

Thanks, Erik

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