On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 12:06 -0500, Martin McCormick wrote:
>       I noticed that every sudo command I issue is accompanied
> by a "Last login" message.
> 25testokcns root $ls .hushlogin
> ls: .hushlogin: No such file or directory
> 26testokcns root $sudo touch .hushlogin
> Last login: Thu Apr  3 11:38:24 from testokcns.osuokc
> 27testokcns root $sudo date
> Last login: Thu Apr  3 11:41:10 from testokcns.osuokc
> Thu Apr  3 11:41:17 CDT 2008
> I was trying to see if a .hushlogin file in /root might snuff
> out the messages, but it had no effect.
> The commands always work but I would rather not get that message
> each time. Am I missing something obvious?
>       Thanks.

Make sure you have the latest version of the sudo port.  This issue
where pam_lastlog was being called because the system pam.d file was
included in the session section of sudo's pam file was fixed.


| tmclaugh at sdf.lonestar.org                 tmclaugh at FreeBSD.org |
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