thanks Vince... i didnt wanted to install the linux base because a lot of kids will be running some 'cool' boards or blogs that probably have cool linux holes too. but just for the hell of it and for he purpose to get to the controller i did. it took a while to find the it's not on the freebsd site and not on the LSI site (anymore) either.. anyway after a lot of rpm downloads and patching and variable changing and fs mountings i get this:

# /usr/local/sbin/megacli -adpCount
ERROR:Could not detect controller.

Controller Count: 0.

pretty neat system...

now what?!

Vince Hoffman wrote:
kalin m wrote:
megarc, right... read about it..  here:

# megarc -AllAdpInfo help
usage :
    cmd -AllAdpInfo
      : prints info of all cards

.....  ok .....

# megarc -AllAdpInfo

********************************************************************** MEGARC MegaRAID Configuration Utility(FreeBSD)-1.04(03-02-2005) By LSI Logic Corp.,USA **********************************************************************
     [Note: For SATA-2, 4 and 6 channel controllers, please specify
     Ch=0 Id=0..15 for specifying physical drive(Ch=channel, Id=Target)]

   Type ? as command line arg for help

   No Adapters Found     Error: No MegaRaid Found

?!?!?! does that mean that there is no raid? why then the df output? the machine is supposed to have 4 250gig SAS drives.

Its more likely that megarc doesnt support the newer controllers which is a shame. you might have more luck with sysutils/linux-megacli since that explicitly mentions LSI MegaRAID SAS, I wish they would make the util open source though. Will mean you need the linux-base port installed and linux.ko loaded.

A RAID1 config shoudl suit a busy webserver well.



Vince Hoffman wrote:
kalin m wrote:
hi all...

a hosting facility build a new dedicated server for me and looking at the dmesg i see:

mfi0: <LSI MegaSAS 1078> port 0xec00-0xecff mem 0xfc480000-0xfc4bffff,0xfc440000-0xfc47ffff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci1
mfi0: Megaraid SAS driver Ver 2.00

for df i get:
Filesystem       Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/mfid0s1a    496M    197M    259M    43%    /
devfs            1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
/dev/mfid0s1e    496M     12K    456M     0%    /tmp
/dev/mfid0s1f    661G    636M    608G     0%    /usr
/dev/mfid0s1d    8.7G    1.4M    8.0G     0%    /var

i asked for raid1. i cant find too much information about the mfi driver. just that it works with freebsd 7.

you might want to look at sysutils/megarc and possibly sysutils/linux-megamgr so you can more closely monitor/investigate your array.


i'll keep looking but - has anybody successfully deployed production servers using the LSI MegaSAS 1078 in RAID1 on a very busy web server?
is there any loss in performance using that hardware in RAID1?
any performance loss in RAID1 at all?


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