Nothing impersonal; just trying to help. I'm a big advocate of
getting rid of things you don't need to keep things simple. Sorry
that wasn't the answer you were looking for...

"Bono Vince Malum"

> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:13:47 -0400
> From: Jon Radel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: OT: lots of IPv6 DNS requests Was: Re:
> freebsd-questions
>       Digest,  Vol 219, Issue 6
> Cc:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Camilo Reyes wrote:
> > The easiest way to deal with this is to disable IPv6
> on your kernel.
> > There is a good guide here:
> >
> > 
> > Simply comment out the 'options INET6' line
> from your config file. Also,
> > you could give more information on what application is
> generating those
> > logs. For example, what services are you running? Is
> this setup as a
> > server? And things of that sort.
> Disabling things so the log messages stop and you can
> pretend all the 
> brokenness has magically gone away is indeed the easiest
> solution 
> sometimes.  It's rarely a good one, particularly for
> the long term. 
> Anyway, the OP actually uses IPv6 on his network, so this
> is pretty much 
> akin to suggesting that he turn off his computer to keep
> people from 
> bothering it.
> The log messages are from his DNS server; he uses it for
> resolving and 
> some local stuff; the log entries are the result of queries
> from random 
> machines being rejected; random machines are doing that
> since at least 
> one of his parent nameservers is handing out the IPv6
> address of his 
> server against his wishes; eventually he'll realize
> this is actually the 
> case; and maybe he'll be able to convince whomever runs
> the parent 
> nameserver(s) to update the records for his zone.  (Just to
> cover the 
> rest of your questions. :-)
> --Jon Radel
> -------------- next part --------------
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