At 10:16 PM 6/12/2008, jonathan michaels wrote:
greetings, derek,

much appreciated the prompt reply

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 12:43:42PM -0500, Derek Ragona wrote:
> At 06:36 AM 6/11/2008, jonathan michaels wrote:

bit of history trimed for brevity

> >in teh and a 'make install' to cover all
> >bases.
> >
> >i treied to restart teh mailqueue ... no luck .. grrr
> >
> >  and then an entry into the mailertable
> >
> >.
> >
> >again did the make whatever thingie and ... tried to post,
> >again this defered post business .. can't asign ..
> >
> >there is something going on here that i donot understand ..
> >some enlightenment would be appreciated, please.
> >
> >the few bits i found in yahoosearch engine, google resfuses me
> >access still but yahoo i can use. i looked uo the error message
> >and turned up this one endrt refereing to teh linux incedent, i
> >have a copy of bat book ed 1 it just says it exists, same for
> >smart_host mail_hub macros.
> >
> >is there some way to fix this short of upgrading and mvoing to
> >postfix ?? i don't have teh needed stuff to do that just yet
> >(me and hardware issues)
> >
> >it looks like i've missed somethings but i don't know enough
> >about freebsd v6.x to know even where to start to look for this
> >one .. aside from this  i have another v6.2 host that also was
> >doing the same thing but after i copied a working set of
> >sendmail configs and restarted sendmail it work properly except
> >teh it dosent forward the "charlie root" mail from teh
> >maintenece events (at 2 am. 3 am and 4 am from teh /etc/cron
> >events) the mail itesm just sit in teh /var/mail/root folder
> >
> >it has taken me just under 6 mnths to get this far, i've come
> >to teh end of my rope and am seriously thinking of going back
> >to freebsd v2.2.5 ..
> >
> >regards/appreciations/much graciousnessess
> >
> >jonathan
> You need to have in /etc/mail/mailertable:
> and rebuild mailertable.db

should not the "esmpt:" rather be "esmtp:" most of teh literature that
i have read recently says it the esmtp way .. i live with dsylexia
amongst other neurological disabilities and need to double/triple/add a
few more time to check things before i am confident of success (not
failing) based on 'spelling' alone.

Yes, I must have a typo in my reply, sorry.

> In /etc/mail/domaintable:
> and rebuild domaintable.db

i used to run a uucp mail service for several clients back in teh
fidonet days (internet to fidonet gateway) and this made sence then,
now i fali to understand the need .. i just do not know and would
appreciate a bit of an explanation please .. is an alias (in the dns file and /etc/hosts) for
the machine which is the primary mailserver for
the domain ... is not tthe domaintable used to remap an
old domain to a new domain name after some soprt of a change or to use
names in 'rule 3' mappings .. if i have missunderstood my readings i
apoloise, i am new to sendmail fiddlings, i set it up ten years ago and
it worked i now have to relearn who and why .. my disabilities have
gotten a bit worse because of teh medicines i need to take and this
makes learning a bit on teh harder side .. but not impossible <gentle

I "assume" that is the name the MX record points to, sendmail and most mail transfer applications strictly use the DNS MX record to resolve the names, and you need this entry to assure your server "knows" it is the recipient and sender for that domain. Otherwise it tries to send the mail elseware and it becomes undeliverable as you had seen in the logs.

> in /etc/mail/local-host-names:

check, it was done long time ago

> and double check your MX record and /etc/hosts

 i looked at my dns files and found a small disaprity from a name
change about 2 years ago, i made teh change in teh main file but forgot
to carry it into teh reverse lookup file, grrrr.

as for the MX records they have been much teh same for about 15 years,
i like long term stability makes for peace of mind <grin>, the down
side is that when things go wrong like this, it is a nightmare to
recall what, how did/done way back when the system was built/changed
last .. makes for lots of work sometimes.

If you update DNS files, be sure to change the serial number in the file so the new file is propagated.

> Once that is all done, execute:
> /etc/rc.sendmail stop
> wait until all instances die then:
> /etc/rc.sendmail start

ok .. did teh checks, made teh changes, even the domaintable, though i
don;t understand how it works, the only thing i don't do as you wrote
was teh esmpt .. i used teh more popular esmtp ??

That should be fine now.

apart from fixing teh esmtp mistype i did it all and checked teh mx
host my dns setup and still its dead in teh water, still defering all
mail out from this box.

might it have some thing to do with this line in teh sendmail config
line it is commented out ??

the one reference that i found on teh world wide internet made some
sort of reference to this being the cause in the linux machine that had
a similar issue back in 2003 ???

# SMTP client options
#O ClientPortOptions=Family=inet, Address=

what would happen if i uncommented this line in teh file ?

also, what use are teh sendmail config files that are named /etc/mail/host,

There are multiple instances of sendmail required to be run now. Once uses, and the other uses Typically you only need to change the .mc file that is used to build the file. Typically you can sue one of the sample files in /etc/mail as a start to make the file.

when i forst installed freebsd in this machine it built these files and
since then nothing has touched the two files .. what are they for what
do they do in teh sendmail hiearchay ??? please ?

There are files installed in /etc/mail as samples and as running files. However the installed may need customization for your settings and any customization you may require. I find it best to always build a file, and then test it out.

this is a really confusing situation, i've got nowhere else to go for

much appreciations for teh help.

kind regards

If you make DNS or sendmail configurations changes be sure to restart these services so the new configurations are used.


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