Edward Lay wrote:
From: Derek Ragona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Check and/or create /etc/nsswitch.conf so you are looking in files and
dns for hosts.

Check or create /etc/resolv.conf make sure your upsteam DNS servers
are listed in this file along with any local caching DNS servers.

Thanks for the suggestion.  Those files already exist with valid
entries though.  In any event, it doesn't seem like a hostname problem
as I can nslookup arbitrary hosts and then try and then ping the IP
numbers directly which fails for hosts beyond the local subnet.
It seems more like a router/gateway network configuration type of
problem. I've just discovered that when I ping the gateway's IP
address, I get no answer.  Now I know the gateway is functioning as
every other host on the network can reach the rest of the internet and
in fact, I've just successfully ping'd the gateway from the machine
where I'm writing this message. So I'm wondering what could cause this
or at least some way of approaching the problem.

Do you have access to the gateway? If so, can you ping the new machine from there? If not, check the arp table on the gateway to see if your new machine has shown up. Check that routes the same place as the rest of the /24.

Only things I can think of that haven't already been covered are firewalling on the gateway, a rogue route for the /32 on the gateway, and the arp table on the gateway being locked down or having a static entry (or really, really long expire times) for the IP address you've given newdewey. Ordinarily I'd worry that you had a longer netmask on the gateway than on your new machine, but with dewey at .3 (which works, yes?), newdewey at .5, and the gateway at .1, this would be hard to arrange.

--Jon Radel

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