O. Hartmann wrote:

I still get this error since OO 2.4 was offered via ports (OO 2.3 did well). I was wondering if someone has no solution to this sticky error.

Can anyone help?

I am not able tohelp but just to confirm this is due to libxml2 not being found right (note to maintainer thats the issue I have in attempting to install on 8-current [i386])


rm -f ../unxfbsdx.pro/lib/check_libvcl680fx.so
mv ../unxfbsdx.pro/lib/libvcl680fx.so ../unxfbsdx.pro/lib/check_libvcl680fx.so /usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2/work/OOH680_m17/solenv/bin/checkdll.sh -L../unxfbsdx.pro/lib -L/usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2/work/OOH680_m17/solver/680/unxfbsdx.pro/lib ../unxfbsdx.pro/lib/check_libvcl680fx.so Checking DLL ../unxfbsdx.pro/lib/check_libvcl680fx.so ...: ERROR: ../unxfbsdx.pro/lib/check_libvcl680fx.so: Undefined symbol "_ZNK7icu_3_814LEFontInstance17getDynamicClassIDEv"
dmake:  Error code 1, while making '../unxfbsdx.pro/lib/libvcl680fx.so'
---* tg_merge.mk *---

ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making /usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2/work/OOH680_m17/vcl/util
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 'build_instsetoo_native'
---*  *---
*** Error code 255

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2.

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