On Thu, 2008-06-26 at 15:20 -0400, Chris Edwards wrote: 
> I have been put in charge of creating a single sign-on mechanism for our
> Windows 2003 and FreeBSD servers.  We are wanting to use Active Directory as
> our LDAP server.  I know of four different methods that could possibly work.
> 1. OpenLDAP
> 2. Radius
> 3. NIS
> 4. WinBind / Samba
> Which is the most excepted/supported way to do this?  Several of the severs
> are very old, 4+ years old.
> Thanks for any help,
> ---
> Chris Edwards

You need to handle two things, user identification and user
authentication.  OpenLDAP (actually nss_ldap) will do the id part and
kerberos will do the authentication part.  Unfortunately my AD related
links for this are at work and I'm at home today.


| tmclaugh at sdf.lonestar.org                 tmclaugh at FreeBSD.org |
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