assetburned пишет:

I try to use a FreeBSD machine as a gateway with 2 LAN, one WAN connection and a local Squid.

All I want to do for the beginning is do NAT the whole traffic to the Internet. The whole traffic should be go directly to the WAN interface If one of the users want to, than he should be able to use the Squid. But as I said, they don't have to... at least for the beginning.

Now my problem, the only way to access the internet at the moment is to use the Squid. OK not bad, at least something is working, but not the way I want :-/

It would be nice if I could still access my SSHd after setting up the new pf.conf, which is working at the moment.

I have, in my sysctrl.conf, a net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 line and while booting up it is set to one.

My pf.conf is this.

ExtIF1 = "ed0"
ExtIF = $ExtIF1 # i know a bit useless
IntIF1 = "ed1"
IntIF2 = "ed2"
IntIF = "{" $IntIF1 $IntIF2 "}"
LocIF = "lo0"
scrub log on $ExtIF all random-id min-ttl 254 max-mss 1452 reassemble tcp fragment reassemble
no rdr on $LocIF from any to any
nat on $ExtIF from $IntIF1:network to any -> ($ExtIF)
nat on $ExtIF from $IntIF2:network to any -> ($ExtIF)

So any ideas?

do you have gateway_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf?
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