On Thursday 10 July 2008 23:50:36 Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

> I have an older system that I've been running 6.1-RELEASE on for a
> long long time now.  I want to upgrade it to run 7.0-RELEASE.
> (CPU => AMD Athlon XP 2000, Motherboard => ASUS A7N266-VM/AA.)
> OK, so I install a new hard drive (known good /practically new) and
> I'm ready to do a fresh install of 7.0-RELEASE onto this fresh new
> blank drive.

> acd0: CDROM <ATAPI CD-ROM MAX 58X/Ver9.05N> at ata1-master UDMA33
> acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00
> GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider acd0 is iso9660/FreeBSD_Install.
> acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00

Errm, so don't install from cd. You have a working 6.1 system. Use csup 
with /usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile as your template, set a real 
host, change tag to RELENG_7_0, change prefix to /usr/RELENG_7_0/src, 
mkdir -p /usr/RELENG_7_0/src and get the source 
csup -L2 /path/to/standard-supfile.

Format the new disk using the chapter on this topic from the handbook and make 
sure the slice is bootable. Mount the drive's root on /mnt, usr and var and 
whatever else you had partitions made for below that and read the entry in 
UPDATING under COMMON ITEMS that describes "To cross-install current onto a 
seperate partition".

Problem with today's modular software: they start with the modules
    and never get to the software part.
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