I just inherited a second dsl line and don't have a server to connect it too so I have it connected to a third nic that I have in the Dell that has the first dsl connection and the LAN. I have been running pf on the two nics with nat and squid in transparent proxy mode without any issues. My problem is that I haven't come up with a way to really take advantage of the new dsl to reduce traffic on the first. I'm not even dreaming of load balancing just sharing some of the load.

I had thought about trying to get squid to use the second connection but my feeble attempts at redirecting it haven't made much sense nor have they worked. Most of our traffic is outgoing rather than incoming, if that helps.

I'm sure someone else must have a similar setup and are doing better than I. Anything is better than nothing. Basically, I think and hope that I am just drowning in a glass of water.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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