On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Pierrick Brossin wrote:
> Subject: Logitech USB Keyboard
> Hey!
> I wanted to install 5.0 on my workstation but the Logitech USB Keyboard doesn't
> work. It was the same thing on 4.7 and never figured out how to make it work.
> It's a black "Logitech Elite Keyboard" with special things on it like a scroll
> or special buttons.
> Anyone have one working ?
> Thanx

Can't speak to 5.0 (Ive only CVSup'd to it, never installed) but for 4.7 
you'll probably need to build a boot floppy with a custom kernel on it 
that includes support for USB kerboards and mice.

There's a script in the handbook for building a custom boot floppy.


#  John Bleichert 
#  http://vonbek.dhs.org/latest.jpg

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