
can anyone tell me how to mount an MP3 player (usb)?
I seem to be too stupid to figure it out by myself.
I thought it would be as easy as mounting a usb memory stick
which I can mount with a device file of the form /dev/da#s#,
e. g. /dev/da0s1, which is present after connecting the
memory stick, but not if connecting the player instead; in this
case I've got only /dev/da1 to /dev/da4.
I tried all these and also /dev/usb, /dev/usb1, ..., /dev/usb4,
but that doesn't work (as I expected but tried nevertheless).

If I connect the player to the usb bus I get the following in

| kernel: umass1: TrekStor TrekStor, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 2

and from usblist:

| <Generic USB SD Reader 1.00>       at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (da1,pass0)
| <Generic USB CF Reader 1.01>       at scbus1 target 0 lun 1 (da2,pass1)
| <Generic USB SM Reader 1.02>       at scbus1 target 0 lun 2 (da3,pass2)
| <Generic USB MS Reader 1.03>       at scbus1 target 0 lun 3 (da4,pass3)

and from usbdevs:

| Controller /dev/usb4:
| addr 1: high speed, self powered, config 1, EHCI root hub(0x0000), 
Intel(0x0000), rev 1.00
|  port 1 powered
|  port 2 powered
|  port 3 powered
|  port 4 powered
|  port 5 powered
|  port 6 addr 2: high speed, power 400 mA, config 1, TrekStor(0x2791), 
TrekStor(0x071b), rev 1.00
|  port 7 powered
|  port 8 powered

Which device file should I use (or create?) to get access
to this MP3 player?

(I'm using FreeBSD 6.0)


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