John Baldwin a écrit :
> On Wednesday 29 October 2008 07:42:18 am Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>> Franck Royer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Can I oblige pcbsd to look the gpt table instead of the msdos one ? How
>>> can I access to my fifth partition ?
>> John Baldwin (jhb) has been working on GPT support, but it's still
>> reported to be a work in progress. It works as far as recognizing
>> disks over 16TB.  It also gets picked up by the geom framework.  I'm
>> not sure about booting, although there are tantalizing hints in the
>> manual pages.
> GPT booting works just fine on 6.x and later.  Using the gpt(8) utility you 
> basically do:
> # gpt create foo0
> # gpt boot foo0
> The second command creates a special boot partition in /dev/foo0p1.  You can 
> then add partitions:
> # gpt add -t ufs <other params like size if needed> foo0
> # newfs /dev/foo0p2
> gpart(8) in HEAD works similarly.  The one thing lacking is that 
> sysinstall/libdisk doesn't handle GPT, so there isn't a nice way to do it 
> during installation.
Ok thank you. But actually, it's not what I'm looking for.

I use freebsd on a macbook. On this macbook, I already have a gpt,
refit, mac os x and some linux partitions. The problem is freebsd, which
doesn't recognize partitions after the fourth one (but my gentoo linux
see them).

Then, I suppose freebsd use the mbr partition table (synchronized from
the gpt one using refit) to populate the /dev, but partitions after the
fourth, which are those I want to use, are only indexed in the gpt.

Finally, I want to force freebsd to use the gpt on my hard drive to
allow it to see others partitions.

I don't want to destroy my actual gpt, maybe one day, but no right now.

Tell me if my english is too bad to be understood.

I just want to precise that I use pcvbsd 7.0, so the kernel
configuration might be different than the freebsd generic one.

Thank you for your answers.

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