In a DHCP server managing fixed IP addresses, one needs to make changes
often: new people need their Mac address given a IP addres, people leaving need to be deleted, people changing an old for a new computer need a Mac address change for the same IP, etc...

All this information is recorded in the /usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf file.
I know, there is the omapi command shell (/usr/local/bin/omshell) but as far as I can see, you can only use it interactively. Or am I wrong?

I would love to have a simple command line tool that allows you to make changes to your dhcpd.conf file without needing to use an
editor or omapi.

e.g. for a new entry, something like:
# dhcpdmgr -A -c "John.Adams PC" -i "00:34:1A:23:4A:0F" 175.134.34
which would add IP in subnet 175.134.3 for mac address
00:34:1A:23:4A:0F with a comment "John.Adams PC"

and with other options for delete (-D), make changes to comment, IP or Mac, etc...

Does anyone have such a command line tool?

With that command line tool one can easily make a wrapper script,
presenting you with a menu of frequent operations, and with extensive checking of your input data. I use such a wrapper script, making use of Solaris pntadm (DHCP network table management utility) command line tool.
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