Sorry for being to briefly.


The Midnight Commander is a curses based file manager that might
be a workaround for the problem you can't solve using Emacs at
the moment. It can be installed via ports or (more simple) from
packages using "pkg_add -r mc". The command to run it is "mc".


PF6 (or F6) refers to the programmable function key number 6
which has the function to move or rename files (in the Midnight

By the way, for deleting a directory, PF8 (or F8) - Delete - can
be useful. I'm not sure if the MC can be troubled by control
characters in filenames, but up to this point, I found nothing
the MC couldn't delete anyway. :-)

I hope I didn't explain too stupidly, I don't want to sound
impolite. Of course I cannot assume anyone to know what a
Midnight Commander is or what PF keys (IBM and robotron
terminology) are...

cool - that worked.  thanks for the verbosity :)
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