I'm having a whole world of trouble with sendmail and apache, where
previously I've had none.

I added some new Mailman aliases to my /etc/aliases file and did 'make'.
The process took a very long time. I restarted sendmail. The changes did
not seem to take effect, so (stupidly) I remotely rebooted the server.

I noticed next, that apache wasn't starting up, wasn't an active
process, etc. Neither was fetchmail.

I tried to start apache with apachectl start, but keep getting error
messages about 

[Mon Feb 24 13:33:12 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name xxx.xyz.com

I think that the primary name server I'm using is down. I'm not sure why
it's not picking up the secondary information?

I've never had this problem before... any ideas on how to get apache
running without checking for name resolution?

Many thanks in advance,


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