On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 12:51:02PM -0600, Brian Henning wrote:

> when i run the following command i get the results that follow this command.
> if i wanted to skip the logging part of this is there a parameter that i can
> pass to cvs to not ask for these comments and just commit the changes..
> cheers,
> brian
> >cvs commit work_helpfiles
> CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> CVS: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
> CVS:
> CVS: Committing in work_helpfiles
> CVS:
> CVS: Modified Files:
> CVS:    sybase.txt
> CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ~
> ~
> ~
> :q


    cvs commit -m "" files



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