"My race is just nothing": Some thoughts on the political psychology of women

By Kevin MacDonald

February 19, 2009

It seems that the signs of white dispossession are everywhere these days. 
Edmund Connelly describes how non-Jewish whites are being pushed out of elite 
institutions like Harvard. An article titled “The end of white America” 
catalogues the lack of cultural confidence of whites these days. It quotes a 
student who says “To be white is to be culturally broke."

Writing in vdare.com, David A. Yeagley quotes one of his female students saying 
“Look ... I don’t see anything about my culture to be proud of. It’s all 
nothing. My race is just nothing.” Yeagley notes the Cheyenne saying, “A nation 
is never defeated until the hearts of its women are on the ground.” And he 
places this in the context of the recent election in which 46% of white women 
voted for Obama compared to 41% of white men.

These percentages are somewhat inflated because they include Jews and 
immigrants, such as South Asians, who are classified as white but do not 
identify with the European-American majority. Nevertheless, they do point to a 
significant gender gap. While it is certainly true that voting for McCain-Palin 
is not a sign of white consciousness — even implicitly, it is also the case 
that voting for Obama is a good sign of a lack of racial consciousness for 
European Americans.

The good news, of course, is that a majority of white women did not vote for 
Obama. And, as Steve Sailer has shown for the 2004 election, if one separated 
out women who are married and have children, the results would show an even 
greater tendency to vote against Obama.

Nevertheless, there is a real problem. Those of us with some acquaintance with 
European-Americans who do have an explicit ethnic identity and a sense of their 
ethnic interests are quite aware that there is a very large sex ratio imbalance 
at gatherings of like-minded people. The attendees are almost all male — an 
exception being the redoubtable Virginia Abernethy. And there are stories of 
men who have stopped attending meetings or who provide support only in the most 
furtive manner, mainly because their wives are afraid that the attitudes of 
their husbands could become public and ruin their social life. Making such 
things public is just the sort of thing that organizations like the SPLC and 
the ADL love to do.

Judith Warner of the New York Times describes the result of an informal "email 
inquiry" on women's reactions to Obama. Some imagined having sex with Obama and 
replacing Michelle Obama as First Lady. Others imagined themselves at social 
engagements with Obama. All wanted deeply to have some of the Obama aura rub 
off on them. Warner's email contacts doubtless reflect her liberal readership, 
but I wouldn't be at all surprised if they are quite general, especially among 
white women who voted for Obama.

What does an evolutionary psychologist say about all this? Parenthetically, I 
realize that the great majority of Americans do not believe in evolution. 
Nevertheless, evolutionary theory is a very powerful and scientifically 
credible way of looking at human behavior. It is no accident that one of the 
main strands of Jewish intellectual activism over the last century has been to 
oppose evolutionary theory as an explanatory tool in the social sciences. 
Darwin did indeed have a dangerous idea — dangerous to Jews because it provides 
a rational grounding for the ethnic identity and interests of European-derived 

The evolutionary theory of sex is one of the bedrocks of evolutionary 
psychology — probably accounting for half of all the research in the field. The 
basic idea is simple: Females invest a relatively large amount of time and 
energy in reproduction. In the world we evolved in, the only way for women to 
reproduce was to endure a 38-week pregnancy and then nurse the child for an 
even longer period. Even after nursing, child care was mainly a female 

Because women are committed to this very large investment, they become very 
valuable in the mating game. And because they are valuable, they become 
discriminating maters: Just as a worker who puts in more time and energy is in 
a better bargaining position than one who puts in little time and energy,  
women become the choosers in the mating game.

And what do women want? Women are expected to want men who have high social 
status. From an evolutionary perspective, such men are attractive because they 
may be willing to provide valuable resources that would help in supporting the 
mother and raising the children. (When men do contribute resources, they also 
become choosy, but that's another story.) And even if a wealthy  man does not 
provide resources, he is likely to have good genes — genes that predispose his 
children to be successful.

In any case, women do indeed prefer wealthy, high-status men. For example, a 
recent study found that wealthy men give women more orgasms: "The pleasure 
women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s 
bank balance." Other research shows that women are likely to choose higher 
status men than their husbands when they have affairs, resulting in the 
possibility of a lower status male helping to raise the children of a 
higher-status male.

What about the idea that evolutionary theory implies that people should be 
attracted to people who are genetically like themselves?  Evolutionary theory 
predicts that women will be attracted to men who are genetically similar to 
themselves compared to men who are from a different race or ethnic group. For 
one thing, this makes them more closely related to their own children.

The problem is that this attraction to genetically similar mates is only part 
of the story. It must compete with the tendency to be attracted to wealthy, 
powerful men. And quite clearly, the phenomenon where large numbers of white 
women fantasize about having a relationship with Obama reflects his power and 
social status, not attraction to a genetically similar person.

The media is a major part of the hostile elite,  so it is not surprising that 
it has played a leading role in the idolization of Obama — the slobbering love 
affair between the mainstream media and Obama. It's the same role that Edmund 
Connelly has called attention to in his writing on the images of blacks created 
by Hollywood in recent decades. Black action heroes are now household names, 
and more than one commentator has pointed out that there were several black 
presidents in the movies and on television long before Obama was elected.

These images from the media tap into women's psychological attraction to 
high-status males. It was probably fairly common for white women to fantasize 
about having sex with Will Smith or Denzel Washington or even the "wise and 
saintly" Morgan Freeman long before the world had ever heard of Barack Obama.

Another sex difference that contributes to women's political behavior is that 
women are generally more nurturant, affectionate, empathic, and caring than 
men. This is another aspect of female psychology that can easily be derived 
from evolutionary thinking — the vital importance of nurturing children and 
developing close family relationships in our evolutionary past. Thus it is not 
surprising that many of Judith Warner's women not only fantasize about having 
sex with Obama, they see themselves married to him and becoming first lady. 
They develop a close and caring relationship with him, or they see him as a 
good friend. I suppose this is also the reason why women are more likely than 
men to support social programs that promise to aid children and poor people.

This relatively greater empathy and nurturance was certainly adaptive in a 
world of family groups and close relatives. But in the modern world, it can 
easily lead to maladaptive altruism and ignoring  real dangers. For example, 
white women enamored of images of sexy, high-status black males are not 
informed by the mainstream media of the very large racial imbalance in crime, 
particularly black men raping white women.

Another problem with women being relatively high in nurturance and empathy is 
that these traits are linked to greater compliance and greater inclination to 
seek the approval and affection of others. Again, these are very adaptive 
traits in the world of small groups and close relatives. But in a world 
dominated by elites that are hostile to the interests of whites, these traits 
can lead to mindless acceptance of anti-white cultural norms. Challenging 
social norms — even ones that are obviously against one's interests — carries a 
very high psychological cost to people who seek the approval and affection of 

This implies that once the intellectual and political movements described in 
The Culture of Critique had seized the intellectual and moral high ground, they 
became difficult indeed to dislodge. Challenging these norms brings accusations 
 of moral turpitude ringing down from the most prestigious political, media and 
academic institutions of the society. People who seek the approval and 
affection of others are definitely not inclined to go there. This in turn may 
well be a large part of the explanation for why there are so few women at 
gatherings of European-Americans concerned about the future of their people and 

This paints a fairly bleak picture. But there are some rays of hope. It is 
likely that at some point the gap between rhetoric and reality in American life 
will be so large that no one will believe what they are hearing from the 
hostile elites that dominate public discourse — much  like the Soviet Union in 
the decades before its fall. When that happens, the cultural icons promoted by 
the media will lose their credibility and allure as well.

And because of the internet, the opportunity to hear divergent opinions and 
become aware of information that is suppressed by the mainstream media has 
never been better. All around us we can see the collapse and increasing 
irrelevance of the old media. The internet has already created communities 
where prestige and social approval can be obtained completely outside the norms 
created by our hostile elites. And at least some of these communities are 
dedicated to transforming America by asserting the legitimacy of white 
identities and interests.

The dispossession of whites is already substantial, but it promises to be a 
whole lot more obvious as time goes on. As whites become a minority, it is 
difficult to imagine that they won't develop more of a group consciousness and 
challenge the prevailing anti-white norms. And that includes even the more 
nurturant and empathic among us. 

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