Polytropon wrote:
Dear list,

I'm searching for something really strange, maybe some reader will
be able to tell me what I'm searching for. :-)

For a special application, I need a programmable dialog library that
has... well, how to describe it... anyone know SIOS? Or at least TSO?
A bit like this. A kind of form-driven screen layout.

A silly example:

                         E n t e r   s o m e   d a t a
        Name: ____________________   Address: ____________________
         Foo: ____________________      Pups: ___        Furz: ___
         Bar: ____/__/__               Logon: ________

        F1    F2    F3                                F9     F10
        Help  Done  Reset                             Print  Cancel
        250/81                                                    3

Where I used underscores, an input line should occur. Positions
and length as well as colour of text and input should be specified,
customization of function keys would be great, skipping from input
field to input field, too. Default values would eventually appear
in the input lines.

The whole library should be accessible via C, or at least for a
shell script. You know, a bit like Tcl/Tk, but in text mode.

Any suggestions? Ideas?

If not, I will need to write this myself, but I considered asking
the list for being able to avoid reinventing the wheel. I know
it's not such a big deal, but if it alredy exists...?

ok, i'm a bit drunk but from what i gather is that you want a purely text mode form program? ala, ncurses, or just text mode, as in the old monochrome days? if so, i might be able to supply you with such.
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