On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 07:47:56AM +0200, Arek Czereszewski wrote:
> Hi,
> I have php application in UTF-8 on server
> (in files are 4 languages: PL, SK, CZ and EN).
> Is there any chance to edit this files on console?
> Or should I edit files in Linux/Mac/Win editor with
> UTF support and upload then to server?
> Regards
> Arek
> -- 
> Arek Czereszewski
> arek (at) wup-katowice (dot) pl
> "UNIX allows me to work smarter, not harder."

I use bluefish editor (www/bluefish) for such purposes of mine. It  can handle 
encodings and highlight code.

Best regards,

| "Nobody wants to say how this works.  |
|  Maybe nobody knows ..."              |
|                       Xorg.conf(5)    |
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