On Thu, 7 May 2009 17:19:47 -0700, Nerius Landys <nlan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What is the most recommended IRC client that runs in a terminal?
> rtorrent is to bit torrent what ____ is to IRC.

If you are into Emacs, there are a few clients that run inside Emacs,
both in GUI/X11 frames and console sessions.

One of the major features of ERC (one of these clients) is that small
customizations and extensions are *very* easy to hack when you know a
bit of Emacs Lisp already.  Here are for example some of the local
customizations I made to my local setup:


  A small function that autojoins channels after Freenode's NickServ has
  had a chance to cloak user information.


  Shorthand aliases for /cs -> /chanserv, /ns -> /nickserv and
  /ms -> /memoserv.

There is also a ton of information about ERC and other Emacs-based IRC
clients at the EmacsWiki: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/InternetRelayChat

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