On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:04:05PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> guys,
> here's a bug with how the backspace key doesn't work across computers.
> i'm not sure if there were troubles going from FBSD to FBSD, but there is
> when i ssh from my ubuntu platform to my main desktop.  i do this to edit
> files or for replying to mutt mail using vi.
> going from ethos [ubuntu] to tao [fbsd] and using vi, the backspace key
> is translated to \177 and is echoed as "^?".  it does not erase.  i have
> to type 
> % stty erase ^V [backspacekey]
> to fix this problem. otherwise, to erase a character, i have to type a
> control-H. it is exact the same problem going from fbsd to ubunto. 
> has anybody seen this before?

probably (outside of Linux and a few special cases such as Cygwin,
"everyone" else uses ^H for backspace - all of the BSD's and all
of the vendor Unix's).

Thomas E. Dickey

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