On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 08:26:36PM +0100, Janine C.Buorditez wrote:
> Hello.
> My Yamaha CDR400t suddenly stopped working, and I have no idea what's wrong.
> cdrdao and cdrecord worked just fine up until a week ago, when:
> :: cdrdao write --device 0,3,0 --speed 4 --overburn *toc
> >> WARNING: Unit not ready, still trying...
> It's there alright:
> If anyone has come across a similar problem with a solution to fix it, I
> appreciate all the help I can get.

My HP9200 croaks if reset with an audio CD in the tray. Works fine as a
CD player and data CDROM but will not burn. Specifically, "Pink Floyd:
Dark Side of the Moon."

Couldn't hurt to verify the tray is empty and trying a cold boot.

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