On Wednesday 27 May 2009 17:41:56 Kelly Jones wrote:
> I have e-books in several formats (DOC, LIT, PDF, RTF, HTML, TXT,
> etc). Is there a Unix command-line tool that converts between these
> formats?
> If not, is there at least a tool that converts these formats to TXT?
> My goal is to read these books on my Kindle, even if it means losing
> some formatting/bells/whistles.

There isn't a one-for-all that I know of. Doc (if that's MS Word) and Lit are 
probably the hardest to find for command line, especially one that recognizes 
For the rest, check out print (for PDF mostly), converters and textproc 
category. There are a few available to you and best you check for yourself 
what features you need (I suppose batch processing).
grep -i rtf /usr/ports/$category/*/pkg-descr does wonders for a quick 

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