Chris Rees wrote:
OK, so does anyone know why I get a socket called 'var' randomly
appearing in directories?

I always use ls -F, and it turns up as var=, as can be seen in my
ports directory.

[ch...@amnesiac]~% cd /usr/ports/
[ch...@amnesiac]/usr/ports% ls
CHANGES         arabic/         finance/        multimedia/     textproc/
COPYRIGHT       archivers/      french/         net/            ukrainian/
GIDs            astro/          ftp/            net-im/         var=
INDEX-7         audio/          games/          net-mgmt/       vietnamese/
INDEX-7.bz2     benchmarks/     german/         net-p2p/        www/
INDEX-7.db      biology/        graphics/       news/           x11/
KNOBS           cad/            hebrew/         packages/       x11-clocks/
LEGAL           chinese/        hungarian/      palm/           x11-drivers/
MOVED           comms/          irc/            polish/         x11-fm/
Makefile        converters/     japanese/       ports-mgmt/     x11-fonts/
Mk/             databases/      java/           portuguese/     x11-servers/
README          deskutils/      korean/         print/          x11-themes/
Templates/      devel/          lang/           russian/        x11-toolkits/
Tools/          distfiles/      mail/           science/        x11-wm/
UIDs            dns/            math/           security/
UPDATING        editors/        mbone/          shells/
accessibility/  emulators/      misc/           sysutils/
[ch...@amnesiac]/usr/ports% uname -a
FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE #1: Sun
May  3 21:54:38 BST 2009  i386

I have an inkling it may be due to openldap, any ideas?

Not a really helpful response, but why openldap(or any other
program) would create sockets in random directories?

Any ideas?

You mean you see sockets appear and disappear on their own?
in random directories?

Maybe sou should do something like "find / -type s" and
then use stat(1) on the findings and see if birth timestamp
ring any bells.

Just a stub in the dark, Nikos
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