On Mon,07-09-2009 [18:44:54], Tom Mende wrote:
> Running on 7.2-RELEASE, Opera 10.00 build 4585 (native) and would like to 
> view flash enabled websites. Anyone with a howto? Have googled extensively 
> and followed a variety of methods all unsuccessful to date. Like to here from 
> someone who has it running?
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Tom Mende <tme...@optusnet.com.au>
> _______________________________________________


I'm using graphics/gnash. It works good enough to watch youtube clips at least.
Ok for both ffox and opera.

Best regards,

| "Nobody wants to say how this works.  |
|  Maybe nobody knows ..."              |
|                       Xorg.conf(5)    |
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