2009/9/12 Alexander Best <alexbes...@math.uni-muenster.de>:
> hi there,
> since i don't use ipv6 X produces the following warning when starting up:
> _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
> _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/otaku:0
> _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6
> so i'd to start X this way: `startx -- -nolisten inet6`.
> i looked through the man pages of startx and xinit but couldn't find where to
> put the argument "-nolisten inet6" so `startx` picks it up automatically.
> currently i have this extra line in /usr/local/bin/startx: "serverargs =
> -nolisten inet6" but that's just a hack because i couldn't find any
> information on where to put the serverarg.

It seems to me that there should be a place in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
I cannot find it.

I know it seems a bit clunky, but I would just put a short script in
my $HOME/scripts (or wherever) rather than futzing with the
actual startx script.

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