On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 2:38 AM, Gary Gatten <ggat...@waddell.com> wrote:
> I'm pretty sure DDNS is an RFC, I'm sure FBSD supports it.  WINS is
> different altogether.

Yes, you are right. I learnt something new here :)
So, I believe this is what we are looking at:-

 send { [option declaration] [, ... option declaration] }
             The send statement causes the client to send the specified
             options to the server with the specified values.  These are full
             option declarations as described in dhcp-options(5).  Options
             that are always sent in the DHCP protocol should not be specified
             here, except that the client can specify a dhcp-lease-time option
             other than the default requested lease time, which is two hours.
             The other obvious use for this statement is to send information
             to the server that will allow it to differentiate between this
             client and other clients or kinds of clients.

So it would be something like
send host-name "andare.fugue.com";

Taken from http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=dhclient.conf&sektion=5
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