Polytropon wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Nov 2009 16:21:18 -0400, PJ <af.gour...@videotron.ca> wrote:
>> No.  The only way is by hitting the SysRq/PrintScreen key if the
>> "AllowEmptyInput" is not "off", otherwise you have to reboot.
> Reboot isn't needed to fix things - that's a misbelief
> from "Windows" land. :-) Simply SSH into the box and kill
> X.
Well, unfortunately it was like trying to fly a dead plane... the
controls were absolutly useless... no keyboard, no mouse, nada... nothing!
>> Yes, but you are supposed to see the x for the mouse.  Doesn't happen...
>> as I mentioned, on one try when doing ctl/alt/del the X appeared and
>> then - shutdown.
> Strange. Ctrl+Alt+Del isn't supposed to have an effect in
> X, if I remember correctly. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace should kill
> the X server, but doesn't obviously work when no input is
> accepted. There's the "DontZap" setting in xorg.conf.
Right, but it has never worked for me on any computer or installation -
since the advent of happy hal.
>> I use fluxbox and for some years now, I have never had to put anything
>> into .xinitrc except "startfluxbox" of just plain "fluxbox" and it
>> always worked.
> That's correct. Your ~/.xinitrc should at leas contain
> an interpreter command, and then the commands you want to
> run, e. g.
>       #!/bin/sh
>       [ -f ~/.xmodmaprc ] && xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc
>       xsetroot -solid rgb:3b/4c/7a
>       exec fluxbox
> Note that the fluxbox call is to be preceeded by "exec".
Well, again, in my case, it used to work with just plain "fluxbox"; then
startfluxxbox and that's how it works now. =-O

>> It seems to me that the options for flatpanel must be activated... bin
>> there, done that...
> Separate options? For flat panel? I must have slept for many
> centuries...
> Let's have a look at the log:
>> (WW) AllowEmptyInput is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse' or
>> 'vmmouse' will be disabled.
>> (WW) Disabling Mouse0
>> (WW) Disabling Keyboard0
> Okay, no input for you.
> I can't see any further warnings (WW) or errors (EE) in this
> log. Seems that X is up and running, and nothing more?
> Check .xinitrc and .xsession respectively.
Ok, I finally did get it running...
here's my shot at the Xorg mailing list:

I quote:

Well, I did get it up and running, but no thanks to any information in
either the xorg or freebsd manuals...

I accidentally ran startx and to my great surprise the screen came up
with fluxbox and did work, albeit very sporadically... it kept going
black and sort-of flickered.
I shutdown and checked the log and lo and behold, the configuration file
was one I had forgotten about that came from another computer from where
the current disk was cloned.
So, with a little tweaking, the thing now works - but the what and the
why excape me completely.
The configurations does not need any parameters for horiz or vertical
scanning - only the screen depth and monitor size. I guess the name of
the manufacturer and the model are irrelevant. Oh yes, the
AllowEmptyInput had to be "off" ;  the DontZap was also "off"
Setting the FlatPanel settings (3 of them) to "True" does not seem to
make any difference whether they are T of F.
So, although it now works, configuration is still a total mystery.
Does anyone understand just what is going on or are we just groping in
the dark along with our blind leaders?

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