it's time to come clean an admit that i have never taken
        advantage of the option that lets you press [???], then press
        other keys in order so the result is like pressing multiple
        keys at once.

        i have never made a big deal over having but one useful hand
        simply because in my line as a hacker, one hand was enough.
        programming at 95mph was never the goal.  everybody on this
        list has learned that forethought and planning beat typing
        speed!  ---still, when my shoulder began to dislocate in 1999,
        typing thr number-shift keys [like '*', '&', '^', and the rest
        became harder [*].  i'm ready to set up the multi-key stuff that's
        built in to at least KDE.  

        appreciate a  pointer to a url or tutorial on this...  and/or
        to know what this feature is even called.  it's time to get
        practical.  i am stubborn, just not particular stupid.  maybe
        "slow" :_)


[*] and more painful, and awkward--so slower.

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
    The 7.31a release of Jottings:

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