On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 08:19:15AM -0800, Matt Szubrycht wrote:
> Gary,
> If you could shell out $30 or so for an external CD/DVD - see this link and 
> revisit on Friday - they have great Black Friday sale every year: 
> http://www.newegg.com/Store/SubCategory.aspx?SubCategory=420&name=External-CD-DVD-Drives
> Ebay is always a good option as well.
> Cheers,
> Matt

        $30 ain't bad for black friday--or any other day, for that

        The $200 notebooks were/are definitely what's known in retail
        as a "lost leader," for obvious reasons.  When I see the ASUS
        going for a couple hundred bux, man, I'm grabbing one!  DAmn:-)


        PS: HO-HO-HO, a bit early... .


 Gary Kline  kl...@thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
        http://jottings.thought.org   http://transfinite.thought.org
    The 7.31a release of Jottings: http://jottings.thought.org/index.php

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