Gary Kline wrote:
kwik one:

in his build-server stuff [6.2], jon horne said to use
mysql50-server.  i see the latest is mysql60....

should i go ahead and use the latest mysql database? or just do as the

instruction say?

tia... y'all.

There are 4 versions of MySQL currently available.  In reverse order of age:

mysql60 -- this is early beta quality (read: it may eat your data) and was the
vehicle for MySQL to introduce various new table engines in an attempt to ensure their independence from Oracle.

However, Sun bought MySQL and Oracle is in the process of buying Sun.  Oracle
also previously bought Innobase (makers of InnoDB) and Sleepycat (writers of
Berkeley DB) so suddenly all of the current engine types are suddenly back in
the picture: hence

mysql54 -- an incremental upgrade on mysql51.  Late beta quality, good for
          experimenters and developers, but not yet something that should
          be considered for mission critical applications

Prior to that we have:

mysql51 -- MySQL's current GA (generally available) release offering. It's got a number of new features like stored procedures but depending on
          your workloads it may or may not be faster than...

mysql50 -- The previous GA version, and still the most widely deployed version 
          the moment.  It is still being actively maintained even if it is 
          much down-played on MySQL's website.  This is a version that has been
          in all sorts of production use for years and pretty thoroughly 
          hence a very safe choice.

In summary: choose either of mysql50 or mysql51 according to preference or your 
particular requirements.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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