2009/11/26 Gary Kline <kl...@thought.org>:
>        Folks,
>        IF any/everone would keep an eye out for national Black FRiday
>        adds that offer a 9-10" ASUS-EEE, I'd appreciate it.   (I've been
>        poking around for much of today, but zip.)  The stores that are
>        open obv'ly want to build suspense; this is a win re that
>        notebook.  For me anyway:-)
>        tia, y'all

What's a good price?  Beast Buy has the 1005HA in pathetic,
pale pink for $280 on line, which is a gorb-dorfle cheap yo,
if'n y'ask me (& I'm not sure if the above counts, but I'm goin'
with it here).

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