I would like to know how to use self compiled ports made with make install together with the packages which can be downloaded with pkg_add -r ....

I'm in the process of upgrading an old freebsd 6.0 server to 8.0 and have decided to try and use apache22.

For various reasons I built the apache22 server using ports (mainly to force usage of a particular BSDB). Then added subversion also using ports.

After setting up the new apache to act as an svn source and getting that working I decided to add viewvc.

Rather stupidly I used pkg_add -r viewvc which seemed to work.

However, my apache setup stopped working. After much faffing about I learned that the pkg_add -r viewvc had also installed another version of apache (a 2.0 version). All my apachectl commands were directed at the 2.0 version and my edits to the httpd.conf were bing entirely ignored.

Somehow I had naively assumed that apache20 and apache22 were incompatible and could not simultaneously be installed. Did the binary package load ignore all conflicts? What's the proper way to approach these issues. Looking in the apache20 Makefile I see it conflicts with earlier apache, but how can it conflict with a later one?
Robin Becker
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