On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:28:41 -0500, jw011235 <jw011...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Interesting. I assumed it was a gmail issue because my openvpn mailing
> list on the same gmail account disappeared at the same time.  Clearly
> bad to assume...

There was indeed a problem with mailman's handling of posts directed at
freebsd-questions.  I notified postmaster@ after checking the list's web
interface.  My mailbox had no messages, which could have been a local
issue or an intermediate delivery problem.  When we realized that the
web interface had no new messages either, the postmaster team took care
of the problem.

Things should be back to normal, AFAICT, but it won't hurt to drop me or
postmaster a note if you notice anything out of the ordinary.


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