No problem. You might also consider extending it to support '.jpeg' as well as '.jpg', or even alter to work recursively through sub-directories. Like I said though, it's more or less a starting point. It will continue to extend beyond the current number each time it's run too - so it should never over-write an existing file and never need to be altered to support one more digit, (until system limitations come in to play - but that's a whole other ball game in terms of scale and probably the least of your worries at that point).

Personally I find things like this a LOT easier to do in Perl for the power and simplicity of Perls ability to handle and manipulate strings, (again like I'd mentioned in my original reply), I'm sure this is do-able in a shell script too just seems simpler to read/write/work with written in Perl to me and it just gets the job done.

Nathan Vidican

Quoting "Dário \"P." <>:

Seg, 2010-01-04 às 14:58 -0500, escreveu:


I'm not personally aware of any single commands which allow
substitution using a counter like you're asking, or of a decent way to
do what you're asking from the shell script either; however,
personally I'd write a simple Perl script to do it. The trick being to
be able to find the bsd###.jpg where it left off at in a directory so
you don't overwrite existing files if repeatability is important.

Here's something quick/dirty to work with, you can build from here,
but try copy/pasting the following code into a new Perl script and run
it from withing the directory you want to work:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my @files = `ls`; # gets a list of all files in the current dir
# start a counter at zero, then increment it below:
my $cntr=0;
# set counter to the largest bsd###.jpg file in this directory:
map { if (/^bsd(\d+)\.jpg/) { $cntr = $1 if($1>$cntr); } }

print "Left off last time at $cntr, going to start this time at

foreach (@files) {
         # skip all files which are already named bsd###.jpg
         # or are not in ending .jpg
         next if ($_ =~ /bsd\d+\.jpg/ || $_ !~ /(\.jpg)$/i);

         my $new = $_;
         # use a regular expression to substitute the name
         # (note /i == case insensative so it will match '.JPG' as well)
         $new =~ s/^(.+)\.jpg$/bsd$cntr\.jpg/i;

         print "Renaming $_ to $new\n";
         # un-comment the line below to actually do the rename:
         # rename($_,$new);


An example given a directory with files like:


Will give you an output like:

Left off last time at 11, going to start this time at 12.
Renaming blah.Jpg to bsd12.jpg
Renaming bs432.jpg to bsd13.jpg
Renaming bsl.jpg to bsd14.jpg
Renaming uh-oh.jpG to bsd15.jpg
Renaming youSelf.JPG to bsd16.jpg

My $0.02 ... like anything, sure you could do this 100 different other
ways, and sure it's not going to be really efficient for large
volumes, but in a pinch it'll work pretty reliably.

Nathan Vidican

Worked just the way I wanted! :)
Thank you so much for the time you spent doing this Perl script.

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