Since I upgraded to FreBSD 8.0, I'm noticing that mysql isn't starting on boot anymore. It starts fine once the system has booted, and looking at the mysql log I see:

100105 17:46:56 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/db/m
100105 17:46:56 [ERROR] Can't start server: cannot resolve hostname!: Unknown er
ror: 0
100105 17:46:56 [ERROR] Aborting

I use dhcp and ddns in my network, so I'm guessing that mysql is attempting to start before the networking has stabilized. Is there a way to make mysql be the last thing started at boot?

I tried adding:


To the init script, but that didn't seem to have any effect. Is there a tool that will run through all the init scripts and tell you the order of startup?

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