On Sun, 3 Jan 2010 15:27:55 -0700 (MST)
Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> wrote:

> Finishing a complete new install of 8-stable on a Thinkpad T42.  This 
> model came with the Intel PRO/wireless 2100.
> So far, it has almost but not quite been able to connect using WPA on 
> FreeBSD.

Same here when trying to set up wireless LAN on a T41 with an Intel
PRO/wireless 2100.

> rc.conf:
> wlans_ipw0="wlan0"
> ifconfig_wlan0="WPA DHCP"
> loader.conf:
> legal.intel_ipw.license_ack=1
> if_ipw_load="YES"

That's what I did too. No joy.

> ifconfig wlan0 scan sees all the nearby access points, including mine.

Here too.

> wpa_supplicant can't quite attach, but doesn't give up trying.

> /var/log/messages:
> Jan  3 14:49:40 paddy wpa_supplicant[392]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Jan  3 14:49:40 paddy wpa_supplicant[392]: Trying to associate with 
> 00:14:bf:cd:a2:0b (SSID='myssid' freq=2412 MHz)
> Jan  3 14:49:50 paddy wpa_supplicant[392]: Authentication with 
> 00:14:bf:cd:a2:0b timed out.

Appart from that I got the following in /var/log/messages: 
  kernel: ipw0: need multicast update callback

Since the same setup worked fine on FreeBSD 7.2, maybe this infomation
regarding ipw is correct after all:

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