2010/1/12 Michael Powell <nightre...@hotmail.com>

> Matthew Seaman wrote:
> > Michael Powell wrote:
> >> Greetings everyone:
> [snip]
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance for the wielding of any clue sticks.  :-)
> >
> > This sort of process /is/ possible, but it is a lot more involved than
> > you're anticipating.  Unless you're the sort of person that likes doing
> > terribly complicated and risky procedures for the hell of it, you are
> > going to be better off just starting from scratch and reinstalling using
> > an AMD64 .iso.  It's going to be quicker to reinstall anyhow.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Matthew
> OK, that's what I needed to know. It just didn't seem as if something as
> complex as a cross build could be handled with just one little
> "TARGET=xxx".
> Terrible and complicated for no real gain is not my style. I like KISS. I
> have done scratch reloads before and can handle it just fine, it's more a
> time management fork in the road issue. This tells me I can allocate xxxx
> amount of time for a scratch reload as opposed to yyyy time for 'terrible
> and complicated'. It just means more console time instead of coming by once
> an hour for a few minutes. I'll stick with what I know will work then, and
> budget my time accordingly. Thanks for the reply!
> -Mike
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You could do a binary upgrade from the cd (making sure you have a backup),
then recompile all your old ports. Its a bit dirty but does work. eg I have
taken a 4.2 box stright to 7.2 with this method. I did a make world and
delete-old for completeness. I wasn't worried about having ufs v1 file
systems but you might.
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