
The key thing you need to look at is enabling routing on the machine you want to act as a gateway. Given the dual-homed nature of the machine it's routing table will already contain each of the interfaces on the two networks, and as such the router machine will 'know' how to connect to each of the networks it is on. What is missing, is that you must tell the router machine that it can relay information across these known networks for other hosts.

As with most things, there's better documentation available on the subject, and I'd HIGHLY recommend you try reading the following handbook section 'Gateways and Routes' for a better understanding:

Within that section, it will elaborate as to how you can turn on and off the function to act as a gateway for other hosts. As in my original email reply to the list, the specific command is 'sysctl' which allows you to tune key variables controlling the kernel functionality - in this case, the behavior of acting as a gateway.

Please take a few moments and read through that section, it should greatly clarify some things for you. As always, feel free to ask again if you need further help with something.

Regarding your ping problem; are you using the correct cabling to go from ethernet card to card? You must use cross cables for direct connections, and straight-through if using a hub or switch. Assuming that you have no firewall in place blocking traffic, then ping should work fine - I would suggest you check your cabling first and go from there. Running the command 'ifconfig -a' will list your active network interfaces and should show the 'media state' as being connected and at what speed/duplex - check there first and work your way back.

Hope this helps.

Nathan Vidican

Quoting Paul Shi <>:


Thank you very much for your reply.

I have tried out your suggestion and experienced some problem. Hope you
could kindly shed some light on them and I really appreciate it.

First, I experienced connection problem from server machine( to
router interface ( I connected the two network cards with
standard Internet cable and tried to ping each other. However, it output
following message which makes me think the connection between server and
router is problematic;

PING sendto Host is down.

Any idea why this is happening? I think "ping" should work as long as I set
the IP of network cards correctly and connect them with cable.

Second, I am confused about the setup at the router machine. How the router
machine figures out the relationship between and if
we do not configure it to do so? Is there anything needs to be done besides
adding route at server machine and client?

Thank you very much for your kind attention! Have a nice day!

Your sincerely,
Paul Shi
Electronic and Communication Engineering Senior
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Hong Kong

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:44 PM, <> wrote:

Quoting Paul Shi <>:

 Dear All,

I have tried to setup a wireless network consist of a server, AP, a router
machine and wireless client. Here is setup and configuration of my design.
Please correct me if I am wrong about anything.

IP:, Gateway:, Netmask:

IP:,                                   Netmask:
IP:,                                   Netmask:

IP:, Gateway:, Netmask:
Access Point

IP:,                                  Netmask:

I have add following to /etc/rc.conf of server machine


and following to /etc/rc.conf of router machine


Is there anything I have done wrong? Or anything else I need to do. My
problem now is I cannot connect from server to router machine. Any
suggestion would be greatly appreciated!

Your sincerely,
Paul Shi
Electronic and Communication Engineering Senior
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Hong Kong
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It seems to me your problem is in your route configuration. "" is incorrect, /24 indicates the bitmask; the network
address should be correctly written as "" instead indicating
a network address of '' with a network of 254 usable IP addresses
in the same subnet.

You'll thus only have to have ONE route entry for the whole network, not
one per IP (unless that is your intention -in which case the '-net' syntax
is incorrectly being used). So long as routing is turned on (man sysctl),
simply pointing the server to the router and the client to the router to
connect to each other should work. Try doing the commands from the console
first to get it all working, then worry about putting in the startup configs
on boot-up.

Given your example, I'd login to 'server' and run:

route add
(if the router is the ONLY router from the server, use this instead):
route add

Then, from the client, add:
route add

The gateway/router box itself does not need any routing setup internally;
you don't need/shouldn't be setting any routes given that, and are hosts on the two networks for which you want to allow
routes. They key is in getting the clients to both use the same gateway, (as
accessible from the network they are respectfully on). This may be a little
more clearly depicted below:

Host A ( <--> Router ( ( <--> Host B

Host A:
 - needs to know to use '' as it's gateway to
 - may just use as it's default gateway to ANY network

Host B:
 - needs to know to use '' as it's gateway to
 - similarly, may just use '' as it's default gateway to ANY as

Assuming you're connecting the internet at some point to the gateway
(router) machine, a decent firewall filter and NAT will most likely be
required as well. Read up in the handbook a bit on the subject or feel free
to come back for more info if needed.

Hope this helps.

Nathan Vidican

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