Greetings all and sundry

About 3 months ago I built myself a time server using 8.0-RC3, IIRC, and I upgraded to 8.0-RELEASE (and now -p2). Naturally, as I want this server to provide time services, I've installed the net/ntp port, among others.

Recently, for reasons that have become lost in the mists of time, I noticed that I wasn't running the port version of NTP (/usr/local/sbin/ntpd), but the version installed with the base system (/usr/sbin/ntpd).

For the immediate term, I've renamed the base versions of the files in /usr/sbin, and then symlinked to the port version (in /usr/local) - ntpd is now the ports version, as are most of the tools. This does, however, seem like a rather silly way of getting the most current NTPd running.

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get the Ports version of NTP to overwrite the base system's NTP. Yet I'm sure (since there *is* a port of NTP) there must be a better way to do this.

Can anyone point me in the direction of some documentation?


David Rawling
PD Consulting And Security
Mob: +61 412 135 513

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