On Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 01:55:55PM +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día Saturday, February 06, 2010 a las 01:38:11PM +0100, Dominic Fandrey 
> escribió:
> > I just started to wonder how portmaster changes the window title
> > of my terminal and why it doesn't change it back when it
> > terminates.
> > 
> > Some digging in the portmaster code showed up an escape sequence:
> > printf "\033]0;%s\007" "YOUR TEXT GOES HERE"
> > 
> > Unfortunately I am entirely clueless as to how one could backup
> > the old title string to restore it upon termination. It seems
> > to me this ought to be a precondition to using this kind of
> > feature.
> Play around with xwininfo(1), like:
> $ xwininfo -tree -root | fgrep xterm
> which prints the titles for all your XTerm windows.

iirc, vim does something like this, but it has the potential for being
very slow (ymmv).

Thomas E. Dickey

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