On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Richard L. Houston <rhous...@rlhc.net>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> First off I am new to FreeBSD. I use Linux professorially and really
> looking forward to getting some FreeBSD boxes in production as well. My
> apologies if my questions are noobish and I have tried Googling for some of
> them but with limited results so I figure I would ask for help from the
> Alpha dogs of FreeBSD on this list.
> So with hat in had I humbly request help in managing jails. I have set up a
> FreeBSD 8.0 install and patched it with freebsd-update. I then created a
> jail based on the instructions from the latest BSDMagazine. It seems to work
> great. Now my issue come in once I try to update the Jail with
> Freebsd-update. FYI, I installed the jail from sysinstall using the minimal
> distribution option. when I run Freebsd-update I was getting:
> Installing updates...chflags: ///libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Operation not
> permitted
> but after restarting the jail I now get "Cannot identify running kernel"
> The Apache server running on the jail seems to be working fine as is the ssh
> server. Any thought on this issue? Is there a preferred way to update the
> jail env? Remember, noob here, please go easy on me. :)
> Also is there issues with mixing the install of ports from source and via
> pkg_add? Good / bad to mix or no big deal. This is more of a general
> knowledge question, not implying I would be mixing the two types :)
> Thanks all and look forward to being a part of the FreeBSD community.

Use this as a starting point


Anyways, host and jail need to run the exact same kernel.  Normally I'll
build my kernel and install it into the base as well as each individual jail
so everything is consistent.

Also check out

Adam Vande More
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