On Mon, 8 Feb 2010, O. Hartmann wrote:

So I guess the above one is the more 'transparent' one with respect to the future, when NFSv4 gets mature and its way as matured into the kernel?

Yea, I'd only use "mount -t newnfs" if for some reason you want to test/use the experimental client for nfsv2,3 instead of the regular one.

I tried the above and it works. But it seems, that only UFS2 filesystems can be mounted by the client. When trying mounting a filesystem residing on ZFS, it fails. Mounting works, but when try to access or doing a simple 'ls', I get

ls: /backup: Permission denied

On server side, /etc/exports looks like

V4:     /       -sec=sys:krb5   #IPv4#

/backup      #IPv4#

Is there still an issue with ZFS?

For ZFS, everything from the "root" specified by the "V4:" line
must be exported at this time. So, if "/" isn't exported, the
above won't work for ZFS. You can either export "/" or move the
NFSv4 root down to backup. For example, you could try:

V4:     /backup -sec=sys:krb5

(assuming /backup is the ZFS volume)

and then a mount like:
mount -t nfs -o nfsv4 server:/ /mnt
will mount /backup on /mnt

ps: ZFS also has its own export stuff, but it is my understanding that
    putting a line in /etc/exports is sufficient. I've never used ZFS,
    so others will know more than I.

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