On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 8:05 AM, John <j...@starfire.mn.org> wrote:

> People, people - be careful that we are not creating a formula to
> break into FreeBSD servers around the world...
> The only acceptable solution is for someone in Eric's organization
> to secure physical access to the server.  It may be in a co-lo
> situation, but if that's true, they must have a contract open and,
> if nothing else, they terminate the contract and get the machine
> back, though more likely, the contract allows them supervised
> access.  Machines are not perfect - even without losing the root
> password, they break and need maintenance - this is a MAINTENANCE
> event and should be treated as such, just like a hard drive failure
> or a NIC failure.
> Creating a scheme for someone to break into FreeBSD systems remotely
> or to publicize schemes people have created to remotely manage their
> systems in ways that could be used to compromise them is foolishness!
> Regardless of the purity of his intention, Eric is asking us to
> tell him how to break into our homes or steal our cars. ;)

Security through obscurity is no security, hence it is a good exercise.

Adam Vande More
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